First United Methodist Church Durant
open hearts, open minds, open doors
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John Hiller
Financial Secretary
Kay Eggleton
Director of Music
Dr. Lisa Thomas
Children's Ministry Director
Mardi Dunn
Youth Director
Shelby Finley
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2013 Sermons
"The Kindness of the Lord" (Isaiah 63:7-9)
"For Unto Us a Child Is Born" (Isaiah 9:2-7; Luke 2:1-20) Christmas Eve
"The Promise" (Isaiah 7:10-16) Fourth Sunday of Advent
"Joy in the Journey" (Isaiah 35) Third Sunday of Advent
"Knowing the Lord" (Isaiah 11:1-10) Second Sunday of Advent
"Walking in the Light of the Lord" (Isaiah 2:1-5) First Sunday of Advent
"God Is for Us" (Romans 8:28-39)
Extravagant Generosity--"The Heart of Giving" (John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 8:24)
Extravagant Generosity--"Bucket Lists: Vision and Hope Are Inspirations of the Heart" (Joel 2:28)
Extravagant Generosity--"The Art of Love: Relationships Are Matters of the Heart" (John 13:34-35)
Extravagant Generosity--"EKG: Ministry Flows from the Heart" (1 Timothy 6:17-19)
Life in the Spirit (Romans 8:5-27)
"The Law of the Spirit of Life" (Romans 8:1-4)
"A Blessing for God's People" (Numbers 6:22-27)
Learning Discipleship from the Disciples--"Women Who Followed Jesus"
Learning Discipleship from the Disciples--"Paul: On the Road Again and Again"
Learning Discipleship from the Disciples--"What About Judas?"
Learning Discipleship from the Disciples--"Simon the Zealot: A Freedom Fighter Who Found Faith"
Learning Discipleship from the Disciples--"Thaddaeus/Judas: That's a Good Question"
Learning Discipleship from the Disciples--"James the Younger: Apostle of the Unknown"
Learning Discipleship from the Disciples--"Matthew: Celebrating New Life"
Learning Discipleship from the Disciples--"Thomas: Doubt and Devotion"
Learning Discipleship from the Disciples--"Nathanael Bartholomew: Seeing Something Greater"
Learning Discipleship from the Disciples--"Philip: A Deliberate Disciple"
Learning Discpleship from the Disciples--"John: Son of Thunder, Apostle of Love"
Learning Discipleship from the Disciples--"James: Anger and Ambition"
Learning Discipleship from the Disciples--"Andrew: Bringing Folks to Jesus"
Series: "Learning Discipleship from the Disciples" Sermon: "Peter: At His Best--At His Worst"
Series: "Learning Discipleship from the Disciples" Sermon: "Jesus: The One We Follow"
"The God Who Saves Us"
"The Spirit of Truth"
"What Does the Ascension Mean?"
"Not a Ghost"
"Failing and Following"
"You'll Know Him When He Calls Your Name"
"Emmaus Moments"
"He Really Died--He's Really Alive" (Easter)
"Take Me to the Cross" (Palm/Passion Sunday)
"Jesus' Sacrifice--Once for All" (5th Sun in Lent, 3017-13)
"Jesus Christ the Crucified" (4th Sun in Lent, 3-10-13)
"Glimpses of Jesus" (3rd Sun in Lent, 3-3-13)
"His Death Was Life to Me" (2nd Sun in Lent, 2-24-13)
"See God's Glory" (Transfiguration--2-10-13)
"The Things We Leave Behind" (2-3-13)
"Today" (1-17-13)
Who Do You Trust? (1-20-13)
"Home by Another Way" (1-6-13)