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Our Mission

Mission, Values, Strategy, and Vision

Our Mission

The mission of First United Methodist Church, Durant-Caddo is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


Core Values

  • Word-Centered: Living the life-giving message.

  • Spirit-Empowered: Fueling our lives from the presence and power of God .

  • Prayer-Filled: Our heart’s steady attention on God.

  • Committed: Responding with integrity.
  • Compassionate: Extending compassion in every sphere of life.
  • God-Saturated: Experiencing God and showing God's presence in all life.

These values define who we are and how we participate in community together.


Our Strategy

The First United Methodist Church faith community is becoming a congregation of people who live out our mission, vision, and values as a congregation of people through:

  • Radical Outreach and Hospitality
  • Passionate Worship
  • Extravagant Generosity
  • Intentional Faith-Development
  • Risk-Taking Mission and Service

These strategies are the ways that we move toward our vision and accomplish our mission.


Our Vision

As we make disciples for the transformation of the world, the Holy Spirit will empower us to know God; grow in grace, grow together, and grow in numbers; go into the world to share new life with everyone.