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- Fidelis Sunday School Class
- Innominate Sunday School Class
- Weekly Bulletin
- Staff
- Rev.: John Hiller
- Financial Secretary: Kay Eggleton
- Director of Music: Dr. Lisa Thomas
- Children's Ministry Director: Mardi Dunn
- Youth Director: Shelby Finley
- About Us
- Service Videos
- "Come Together"
- "Making Christ at Home"
- Christmas Eve Service
- Christmas Cantata
- Children's Christmas Play 2024
- "Wash Up"
- "Prepare to be Unsettled"
- "My Kingdom is Not from this World"
- "My Heart Rejoices in the Lord"
- "The Simplicity of Bearing Fruit"
- "All Things New"
- "An Inheritance for Daughters and Sons"
- "Inherit Eternal Life"
- "Not the Inheritance We Asked For"
- "An Inheritance for the Children"
- "Watch out for One Another"
- "Who is the Greatest?"
- "From Head to Heart and Hands"
- "Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment”
- "Clean Where it Counts"
- "At Home with God"
- "Living Together"
- "Home Cooking”
- "A Home For Christ”
- "Where is Home for You?"
- "Trust God to Go with US"
- "Jesus Didn’t Do it by Himself ”
- "Called"
- "Who Is This?"
- "The Kingdom of God Is Like"
- "The Sabbath"
- "Speak Lord, Your Servant Is Listening"
- "Here I Am"
- "God's Spirit Poured Out on All People"
- "Lord, You Know Our Hearts"
- "They Have Received the Spirit"
- "How Can I Understand, Unless Someone Explains It?"
- "The Church on Trial"
- "Jesus Is for Real!"
- "One in Heart and Mind"
- "He Has Risen!
- Good Friday
- Maundy Thursday
- "Hosanna!"
- “The Gift of a Second Chance”
- "For God so Loved...."
- "Encountering the Temple"
- "An Unexpected Adventure"
- "The Temptation to Forget"
- Lenten Disciplines
- "Living Off the Mountain"
- "Being Restored to Ourselves"
- "What Is This?"
- "Immediately They Left Their Nets & Followed Him"
- "Come and See"
- "God is well pleased with You"
- Prayer
- Discipleship Resources
- Adult Small Group/Sunday School Classes
- Missions Team
- Children's Ministry
- Lectio 365
- Youth Ministry
- Music Ministry
- Amplify Media
- United Women In Faith
- Care Team
- Upper Room Disciplines
- Boy Scouts-Troop 615
- Upper Room Devotionals
- YouVersion Bible App
- Online Giving
- Community Resources/Help