United Women In Faith

Lynette Parmley, President

The United Women in Faith (UWF) is an organized group of women dedicated to mission work, both in the local church and beyond, in the community, the nation, and the world. Technically, any woman who is a member of the United Methodist Church is a member of UWF (formerly UMW: United Methodist Women.) The First United Methodist Church of Durant has three active small study/fellowship groups who meet monthly September through May. We call these Circles. There are also five General Meetings during the year where all members of the circles and "members at large" are invited to join together for a meeting and meal. Programs there are to inform about how UWF is affecting the lives of Women and Children locally and throughout the world. Local guest speakers inform us about local mission opportunities.

UWF supports state, national and international work with its "pledge to missions"  We also support Conference and Lake Country District projects including Cookson Hills and Neighborhood Services Organization in OKC.  We also support a number of local ministries, including Wesley Center at SE where we serve a meal to hungry students each semester.

General Meetings (ALL women invited) are held at 11:15 am in the dining area of the church immediately after the worship service.  A light lunch is served followed by a speaker and short business meeting.  2024  Dates include:

Sunday Feb. 25 - Speaker Robbee Tonubbee - speaking about all the services offered by the local library

Sunday,  May 5th (Mother-Daughter) - invite someone to be your guest!   Speaker Tony Thompson, director of

                           Crosspoint Camp speaking about What's new at Crosspoint

Sunday October 20-  Stephanie Luke will give us her story on how the local Crisis Center impacted her life

Sunday, December 8 - Christmas Devotional and Installation of Officers


Esther Circle-  meets the second Monday of each month at 10 am in room 200. They are doing a video study by Kristi McLelland on "Jesus and Woman". Contact Janet Moyer (214) 801-1514 or the office for more info.

Lydia Circle - Meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 12:00-2:00 in the dining room to knit and crochet prayer blankets, caps and other projects for Care team and others in need.  Contact Marylin Williams (775-9039) or the church office.  

Hannah Circle -Meets periodically for projects and fellowship. This is our "younger circle" and most work so meetings are whenever called.  Contact Jennifer Swearengin (916-6981) or the church office for more info.